Reincarnated as a Dog with System

Chapter 88 - Slaughter Part3

Chapter 88 - Slaughter Part3

As Lu Chen, Guan Ye, and the others stared at the horror show in front of them, in the midst of this terrifying brutality, they completely failed to notice something small.

A few goblins here and there on the far outer periphery of the army were beginning to disappear.

At first, it was very negligible so they didn\'t notice it, but since Lu Chen was now specifically keeping track of the goblins that were beginning to wander outside, he suddenly saw the anomaly.

One of the goblins who was carrying a club stalked to a nearby tree and started attacking a rat that popped out of the ground.

The goblin used its club to repeatedly pummel the rat to death enjoying the blood spurting out of the animal.

However, suddenly blood started pouring out of the goblin\'s throat and the next second before it had a chance to make any kind of noise, its head was completely ripped from its body.

Lu Chen\'s eyes widened as he stared at the scene in surprise. Right in front of him, both the pieces of corpse disappeared into the nearby bush in a flash.

The entire scene happened in a fraction of a second and he had only barely seen it. What the hell? He looked closer, clutching the railing even tighter.

Did an even stronger enemy show up?

Even for someone who had been constantly fighting up until now since the beginning of the apocalypse, this was too much to handle. Lu Chen was trembling.

Just like everyone, he had also learned a bit of history in school and about the world used to be chaotic at the time of the major world wars.

He had read about one country invading the other, two armies fighting with each other, resulting in massive casualties and life loss.

Not to mention the aftermath of the battle when the victor entered the defeated country and looted, plundered, pillaged both the living and non living things.

Just like everyone he had also read about these things like stories, as a part of the history. No one to understand and truly grasp the brutality of war.

But now… weren\'t these creatures that came out of nowhere doing the same thing?

Irrespective of the kind of mental strength or the strength one possessed, such a thing was still difficult to comprehend and swallow.

So when a creature like that got killed and disappeared in front of him in a second, he couldn\'t help but shudder first. Not because he was a coward, but because he feared the worst case scenario.

At least against this kind of goblins, they still had a chance. There was a hope that they could come back and take care of them all after becoming stronger.

It would probably be very hard because they would as well be improving at the same speed but there was hope.

However… if something stronger than that truly showed up… then there would be nothing left… nothing at all.

Lu Chen clenched his fist tightly and continued looking. No matter what awaited them, he needed to know.

At this exact moment, a black shadow flickered near the tree. Lu Chen froze, his jaw dropping on the ground. "That was… that was…"

Qin Hua had never seen anything as terrifying as this in her life. However, unlike the others, she was not frozen in fear.

Perhaps this was because she could clearly inspect and scan the enemies and could see that individually these were not that threatening.

So while the others were reeling from fear, she took charge and used her clone to first get everyone to a safe distance.

Only then she hid in a shadow and entered the stadium.

In case, anything went wrong and she got caught, in the worst case scenario, she could always switch places with her clone and escape.

After sensing that the group was now in a more secure location, at least not on the ground, Qin Hua quickly scouted the area.

She tried to not look at the suffering and torture in front of her because if she paid attention to that then she wouldn\'t be able to focus on actually dealing with the problem. It was far too mentally jarring.

The stadium grounds were pretty crowded with the green creatures and there was no chance of her going unnoticed there.

So she did not even bother entering the big crowd. She stuck to the outer areas and tried to look for isolated targets.

She saw a couple of the goblins wandering here and there and after making sure that their stats were comparatively less than hers, she struck them down stealthily.

She absorbed their cores and hid their corpses wherever it was possible.

Qin Hua then slid into another shadow and dashed into the stadium building. Just as she expected, here there were not many goblins.

Hardly, five or six were there in the main hall, where previously clean beds for sleeping had been set up. These were now ruined and there was blood and bits of flesh everywhere.

A couple of goblins were sitting around and feasting on a body that was no longer recognizable.

Qin Hua silently prowled around the two and before either of them noticed her presence, she cast [Dark shackles] on one and ripped the other one apart, hiding back in the darkness.

After absorbing the core, and the dark shackles wore off, she once again jumped out and killed the second one as well.

But this time there wasn\'t any specific spot nearby where she could hide the body, so she simply dragged one of the ruined beds and put it atop the three corpses.

After that, she once again jumped into a patch of darkness and moved further into the stadium building.

She knew that it was impossible to keep this going. Sooner or later, they were going to sense her presence, but she just wanted to take down as many as possible before that happened.

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